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A Tribute to Arcadis IBI Group CEO, Scott Stewart

With Scott’s official last day upon us, we are taking time to reflect on his leadership, 职业生涯, 担任AG平台首席执行官的9年令人印象深刻,这一遗产使许多人受益并受到启发.  


June 28, 2023

斯科特·斯图尔特(Scott Stewart)最近宣布,他希望把注意力转向家庭和生活中的其他激情. With Scott’s official last day upon us, we are taking time to reflect on his leadership, 职业生涯, and impressive nine-year tenure as CEO of IBI Groupa legacy that has benefitted and inspired many.  

Scott Stewart他对解决与人员和货物流动相关的交通挑战的热情使他在公共部门交通领域的早期职业生涯中为市政工作, provincial, and federal levels of government in Toronto, Sudbury, Halifax, and Montreal. 正是在此期间,Scott被介绍到AG平台,IBI的敬业文化给他留下了最深刻的印象, 聪明有创造力的人,他们挑战常规,突破界限. 1978年,他最终以交通工程师和规划师的身份加入IBI, the company had fewer than 30 employees.

斯科特一直是一个有远见的人,他很早就知道技术将是IBI未来的重要组成部分. 斯科特领导IBI追求并赢得了几个首创的运输项目, 导致了后来被称为智能交通系统的出现, 或其, defining the relationship between technology and transportation.

从标志性的伯灵顿高架公路项目到多伦多的主要项目, 波士顿, Glasgow and California, 这些以技术为先导的交通项目加速了公司的发展,并在不到一年的时间内将员工人数增加了一倍. Due to his growing reputation, in 2000 Scott was invited by the U.S. 联邦政府作为ITS未来技术咨询委员会的成员.

Soon after, IBI赢得了爱德华王子岛联邦大桥交通管理和收费合同, 加拿大. 接下来是连接天堂岛和巴哈马拿骚的桥梁收费系统, followed by a large-scale project in Greece. These projects and the foresight that tolling would become a growing, 为公共部门客户提供创收解决方案,促成了IBI的国际收费业务, which continues to contribute to the business today.

In 2004, IBI Group went public; the company had 800 staff with operations across 加拿大, the U.S., UK and internationally.

In August 2013, Scott became IBI Group’s CEO. The company was in financial difficulty, 在动荡的市场中收购了几家表现不佳的公司. Work began to communicate and consult with stakeholders, including banks, shareholders and staff, and organizational and operational changes were made more effectively. With the help of CFO Stephen Taylor, who joined the firm in 2014, the focus was on paying down debt, 使公司在银行中恢复良好信誉,并以更完善的公司结构建立运营秩序. In tandem, IBI重新命名并将自己组织为三个核心部门:基础设施, Buildings, and Intelligence. All these initiatives worked. In 2015, AG平台被周转管理协会评为年度最佳国际周转企业.

Under Scott’s leadership, IBI continued to improve financial performance, establish governance, and grow a strong brand reputation. We created a rich culture, 为世界各地的客户提供创新和卓越设计, and embraced partnership and collaboration. 随着我们第一个战略计划的实施,我们也转型为一家技术驱动的设计公司A Smarter Urban Future—integrating technology into our projects and our business practices. 这些成功使我们在同行中脱颖而出,并使我们在客户和投资者面前具有竞争优势. 

As we set out to launch our second Strategic Plan, 我们正在成为技术驱动型设计解决方案的全球领导者. 这一事实激起了许多公司的兴趣,最终导致了 acquisition of IBI Group by Netherlands-based Arcadis in September 2022. 就在2022年春季被收购之前,IBI被公认为一家 Top 30 Business on the Toronto Stock Exchange, evidence of its solid performance and competitive advantage. These accolades are evidence of Scott’s vision, 在担任AG平台首席执行官的九年任期内,他对商业和投资者群体的领导能力和理解令人印象深刻.

随着我们将IBI的精华带给阿卡迪斯,我们将迎接未来令人兴奋的挑战和机遇, we offer our deepest gratitude to Scott, 感谢他的远见卓识和领导才能,感谢他将AG平台打造成今天的样子. 在他退休后开始新的冒险时,我们祝愿他一切顺利、幸福.

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